Oh mashed potatoes, I’ve fallen in the apples…..

Everyone knows how much the French love their food so it shouldn’t be a surprise that they have loads of foodie expressions – often nothing to do with eating… Some of my favourites involve carrots, onions, apples, butter, eggs, cheese, peaches and pears!

Oh purée

* The French don’t say he’s fainted, instead they talk about apples and say he’s fallen in the apples – “tombé dans les pommes”

* The French don’t say he is telling tales instead they talk lettuce -“raconte les salades”
*The French don’t say mind your own business, instead the onions get involved and you should mind your own onions – “occupe-toi de tes oignons”
* The French don’t say you’re drunk instead they think you’re buttered – “etre beurré”
*The French don’t say you’re making a big deal of it, instead they think about food and make a whole cheese about it -“en faire tout un fromage”
*The French don’t say well that’s that, instead your carrots are cooked – “les carottes sont cuites”
*The French don’t say they’ll go Dutch instead they cut the pear in half – “couper la poire en deux”
*The French don’t tell you to get lost instead they tell you to go cook an egg –  “va te faire cuire un œuf”
*The French don’t exclaim oh wow! or”shoot! instead they are thinking about mashed potatoes – “oh purée!”
So when I make a whole cheese about it, yell that the carrots are cooked, tell you to go cook an egg and mind your own onions, it might be because I’m buttered and ready to fall in the apples! Oh mashed potatoes!

Looking for somewhere stylish to keep your onions? French Candy Vintage might have just what you are looking for!